Down Payment Assistance Programs Can Help Pave the Way to Homeownership

If you want to buy a home, your down payment doesn’t have to be a big hurdle. According to the National Association of Realtors (NARDiscover how to navigate the down payment process as a first-time home buyer with insights on overcoming common financial challenges.), 38% of first-time home buyers find saving for a down payment the most challenging. But the reality is, you probably don’t need to put down as much as you think.

Data from NAR shows the median down payment hasn’t been over 20% since 2005. The median down payment for all home buyers today is only 15%. And it’s even lower for first-time home buyers at 8%. But just because that’s the median doesn’t mean you have to put that much down. Some qualified buyers put down even less.

For example, there are loan types, like FHA loans, with down payments as low as 3.5%, and options like VA loans and USDA loans with no down payment requirements for qualified applicants. But let’s focus on another valuable resource that may be able to help with your down payment: down payment assistance programs.

First-Time and Repeat Buyers Are Often Eligible

According to Down Payment Resource, there are thousands of programs available for home buyers – and 75% of these are down payment assistance programs.

And it’s not just first-time home buyers that are eligible. That means no matter where you are in your home buying journey, an option could be available for you.

The best place to start as you search for more information is with a trusted real estate professional. They can share more information about what may be available, including additional programs for specific professions or communities. 

Additional Down Payment Resources That Can Help

Here are a few down payment assistance programs that are helping many of today’s buyers achieve the dream of homeownership:

· Teacher Next Door is designed to help teachers, first responders, health providers, government employees, active-duty military personnel, and veterans reach their down payment goals.

· Fannie Mae provides down-payment assistance to eligible first-time home buyers living in majority-Latino communities.

· Freddie Mac also has options designed specifically for home buyers with modest credit scores and limited funds for a down payment.

· For Native Americans, Down Payment Resource highlights 42 U.S. home buyer assistance programs across 14 states that ease the path to homeownership by providing support with down payments and other associated costs.

Even if you don’t qualify for these types of programs, many other federal, state, and local options are available. I can help you find the ones that meet your needs as you explore what’s available.

Achieving the dream of having a home may be more within reach than you think, especially when you know where to find the right support. To learn more about your options, let’s connect.